Enslaving others: Our goal and how to pull it off

Serving others to serve still others (Photo: Gwennypics)

The goal here is more than personal development, which sadly is what I think many Christians focus on. The goal is to help others become amazing.

Serving God leads to serving others, but that’s (mostly) self-oriented. The goal of all this is to lead into others-orientedness. The goal is to help others serve God and serve others.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” -Matthew 28:19-20

Why is this our goal?

I started answering this question and found I could do an entire series of posts on it. Instead, here’s the condensed version.

  • Our ultimate purpose is to glorify God.
  • Serving others is one of the most direct ways to show off God.
  • Helping people fulfill their purpose in life (to glorify God and serve still others) is one of the best ways to serve them.
  • So we help people glorify God and serve still others so we can fulfill our ultimate purpose in life.

Now how to do that. Let me start by saying what we don’t do (because usually this is what we do even though it doesn’t work):

We don’t convince them to become slaves

No one wants to serve God. No one will feel a desire to serve God by anything you and me say to convince them. And if they won’t ever serve God, they’re certainly not going to serve others… unless they can benefit themselves, which isn’t the kind of serving I’m talking about.


We help them choose to become slaves

Ah, that’s cute, Marshall: “We don’t convince – we help choose.” What a load of bologna!

You’re probably thinking (something like) that. Fair enough. It does sound like I’m just picking different, nicer words. Here’s what I mean, though.

No guilt

As you remember, we choose to become slaves as a response to God’s blessings, not as a requirement to receive them.

Guilt is a powerful incentive, but we’re never supposed to use it to push someone to submit to God. That’s the opposite of the gospel.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” -Romans 8:1

Once we’ve received God’s grace, sin doesn’t break God’s connection with us – our guilt breaks our connection with Him. Let’s not perpetuate it.

Even though it might seem like an effective way to manipulate a situation, the results are fake because they’re not based on a relationship with God. Don’t go that way.

No baggage

Christ’s gospel is simple. Ours should be Christ’s.

“Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace…” -Hebrews 13:9

I’m not against learning everything we can about who God is and what He does, but I am against learning everything we can and forcing it into everyone (or anyone) else.

Becoming a slave is tough stuff, like the toughest I’ve ever attempted. Let’s not make it harder than it already is. And actually when it’s stripped of its baggage, slavery’s not that tough. <<Yep, I just said that.

Either way, without the guilt and baggage, people are free to make an honest choose instead of feeling pressured into it.

How to help them choose slavery

1. Present the option. Most people, you and I included, fail to share the option. We’re scared they won’t like us. We’re scared they won’t like the option. We’re plain scared.

And since slavery isn’t the coolest kid on the block, no one knows it’s even an option. Present it.

Ask, “So we’re called to totally give our lives to God – what do you think that looks like? What does someone who’s totally devoted to God look like?”

2. Live an example. People can reject reasons, but it’s difficult for them to reject the image of God on your life. Live in submission:

  • Work for unity at almost all costs.
  • Respect others, particularly when they don’t deserve it.
  • Pay attention to situations where God is faithful to you and share these with others.

In general, serve them.

3. Realize it for them. Your life example still isn’t enough, especially if it’s not “close” enough. They can still say, “Well, that might work for you, but it’s not my thing.” You have to realize it for them so it becomes “their thing.”

Realizing means encouraging them, providing certainty for them. It means getting into their life instead of preaching from the outside at them.

  • Pray when you’re around people.
  • Meet with them often, and be sure to create one-on-one time.
  • Use God in the way you speak. “Thank you, Jesus,” if you really mean it, is a fantastic way to edge Him in.

In general, become interested in who they are and entwine your life, which is based on Christ, with theirs.

For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more …” -1 Corinthians 9:19

The goal is obvious. Now what are you and I going to do about it?

Serving Suggestions:

(1) In the next three days, start the conversation at least once. Say [to a Christian], “Do you mind if I share something God’s taught me lately through submission?”

(2) Share something God’s taught you in the past week and how it’s made a measurable difference in your daily life.

(3) If you’re able to share, ask this person what they’ve learned. Keep the conversation going.

This post is part of “The bondC guide to slavery” series. Click here to read the rest.