How to win points but NOT influence people

Do you actually care? (Photo: Samuel Trip)

Short answer for winning points but not influencing anyone in a positive direction:

Share a message of truth instead of a message of love.

I think we’ve all experienced this before.

A not-quit-friend approaches you and attempts to convince you of some wonderful truth. It doesn’t even have to be Christian. It could be as simple as a fitness program (based on ancient principles, no doubt) that promises to catapult you into a happy, pappy, thin, and trim person.

And maybe the program really is outstanding. Trouble is, you’ll never know because you won’t give it a shot.

This pal of yours isn’t sharing out of a genuine desire to improve your life. Your pal’s gunning for points – nothing else. Your pal wants influence, not improvement. Thanks a load, pal.

Selling for points

We all do it.

Why do Girl Scouts sell cookies? They’re sure not doing it to enrich your life with joy and gladness. While I have nothing against the Scouts (and I love the cookies), I know they’re primary motivation isn’t to bless me.

Same applies to those 12-year-old baseball players selling raffle tickets door-to-door. And, I’d guess, the same applies to those cycling Jehovah Witnesses who try to share their gospel on your porch.

They’re “selling” to you to win “points” for themselves. They’re not in it to make you a better person. Seriously.

Your pal wants more program members. The Girl Scouts want to meet their quota. The ball players want to buy new jerseys. Maybe the Jehovah Witnesses do too.

They all have motives, but their motives aren’t you.

Are you selling for points?

I’d guess 85% of “evangelism” is for points. What about you? Are you sharing the gospel, or any recommendation for that matter, to win points?

Everyone oohs and aahs when you win a soul for Christ. Everyone respects you when you bring loads of friends to church. But is that why you share?

Do you share the gospel because it’s the right thing to do? Or do you share because you care about people? If you do care, do they know it? Does God?

Truth is not enough

Truth, as you know, is easy to share. Truth is bits and pieces. You and I can share truth in bite-sized chunks. Then duck.

Truth is part of love, but truth by itself is not love. Contrary to popular opinion, you do have to like people to love them. Love is a comprehensive package. You and particularly I forget that way, way too much… but the people we’re sharing with never do.

They don’t care about truth – they want love. I know because that’s why I’m a Christian: the love, not the truth.

Sharing truth will win you points. That’s why it’s dangerous – because it looks like you’re making progress. But it rarely influence anyone. So turn this around…

Share a message of love instead of a message of truth.

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Share your testimony with others but share it because you care about them as individuals, not because you want to “get someone saved.”

(2) Share what you know with others but share it because you care about them as individuals, not because you want to “set ’em straight.”