If you’ve been a Christian for three years…

What if churches kicked members out after three years of attending? Why would churches even want to do that?

In this video, I share why I think churches might be better off if they followed a similar policy. More importantly, though, I explain why you’ll definitely be better off if you adopt an “after three years” mindset.

[Click to watch if you’re in email or RSS.]


  • Local churches are meant to equip Christians to minister to others.
  • You and I, if we’ve been involved for at least three years, are ready to begin our own ministries.
  • So, yeah, get started. :)

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Start within your church. Volunteer for the “church cleaning” ministry or a for prayer group or to teach children’s ministry.

(2) If you’ve already been involved with your church (for at least three years :) ), prayerfully consider what your unique ministry might be. Also, ask other church members and leaders. Ask your pastor. Ask them how they think your specific talents could be put to use.

(3) Some ideas to consider for your ministry: (Coming soon….)