NOW: The “get rich quick” trick for getting things done

I procrastinated my way through college. If I had an assignment, I didn’t start it until the weekend before it was due… if that early. This had some advantages actually, like forcing me to become productive in those last few hours. But it made people mad at me.

This carries over into everything we do for others. How often have you said, “Yes, I’ll do it,” but waited to start?

  • You say, “I’ll sweep the kitchen,” but you finish organizing your shelves first.
  • You say, “I’ll get together with you,” but you don’t set a date it because you’re too busy at the moment.
  • You say, “I’ll pray for you,” but you wait for the privacy of your own home instead of praying with the person right there.

In many ways, finishing your current projects is a good idea. You can’t forget about them (if they’re important). The problem is the message it sends and the decreased likelihood that you’ll actually follow through with what you’ve promised.

When was the last time you told someone you’d sweep, get together, or pray for them and actually followed through with it? If you got around to it, my guess is that you began fairly quickly after making the promise. That’s been the trend in my life. So…

Two crucial reasons to do things now

1. Doing tasks right when asked forces you to remember – because really there’s no memory involved if you get right on it.

2. Doing tasks right when asked, way ahead of schedule, shows you’re enthusiastic about it.

Both of these combined, your perceived enthusiasm plus actually getting it done, will launch your ability and reputation for serving others.

Remember the wannabe disciple who “wanted” to follow Jesus… but had a father to bury first? Did following Jesus ever happen? What did that attitude say about the person’s enthusiasm for following Christ?

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Do something now. What have you been asked to do? Go do it now. This is one of those tips everyone’s heard, everyone knows… but we don’t remember it. Start remembering it. Be brutal with how soon you act.

(2) Have you experience this lately? Have you put something and as a result forgotten about it? Or have you actually done something immediately that genuinely blessed someone? Share your stories in the comments.