Why serve others

Photo by Gustty
Photo by Gustty

You’ve got to wonder, “Why serve others?” This whole site is about serving others, but why do it?

Why Marshall serves others

A couple years ago, someone I barely knew blessed me. He took me aside (which worried me at first because that usually means I’m in trouble) and told me that my example in the church encouraged him to pursue a goal he’d been putting off. It floored me:

1. I didn’t feel like I was living an inspiring example. At the time, I specifically remember struggling with my attitude.

2. I didn’t even know he noticed me. Yes, I knew he saw me each week serving in various ministries, but I didn’t know he noticed anything special about it.

I remember walking away from that conversation intensely thankful for what God was doing in both our lives, even though I’d been oblivious to most of it.

Last year, I created a list of 1,001 reasons I was thankful. I spent a couple days writing it. That list corresponded with Thanksgiving Day. The combination of the list and Thanksgiving created a powerful reminder for me of how blessed I was.

Even this year, in this post-Thanksgiving/pre-Christmas season, I find myself feeling intensely blessed. I have so much. And it’s all been given to me.

What is the result? The more blessed I feel, the more I want to give away. The more gratitude I have, the more I want to serve others. I want everyone – you, your friends, people I don’t even know, everyone – to experience the enthusiasm and joy I have.

Why bondChristians serve others

bondChristians are driven by thankfulness – intense, “blow your mind and heart” thankfulness. Thankfulness motivates everything bondChristians do. And it’s insanely personal.

bondChristians have received so much from Jesus. That’s why they serve others. Not because they have to. Not because it’ll make God like them more. But because it’s the only meaningful response to the blessings they’ve received.

Why do you serve others?

Do you ever have that? Do you ever receive something so wonderful, so amazingly wonderful that you want to tell the whole world about it and share it with them?

Sometimes it’s a feeling of guilt, a desire to pay back what’s been given. But when the blessing goes beyond anything you can pay back, the desire to pay back switches to a desire to give back – to serve – for no other reason than that you want everyone to experience your joy.

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Cultivate gratitude in your life. It’s the surest way to create a desire to serve others.

(2) What’s your story? When, specifically, have you wanted so badly to share what you’ve received with others? Leave a comment.